Therapy with Ricardo

Ricardo L. Salcedo, LCSW, MSW

Therapy With Ricard - Green

Ricardo L. Salcedo, LCSW, MSW

Therapy from Home

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

My office is in Northern New Jersey, USA (where I am licensed).

  • Therapy: If you are interested in doing therapy with me [through Alma], I take
    most insurance plans. Click on this link
    https://secure.helloalma.com/providers/ricardo-salcedo/ to book a free 15-minute
    consultation first and we can check on your insurance afterward.
  • Coaching & Group Therapy: I will be creating several coaching and group
    programs for more situational, less severe problems, where we can solve non-
    clinical problems.

The easiest way to set up a free 15-minute consultation is to click the CALENDAR link, and choose the 15-minute opening that best works for you.

I typically have openings between 10 am and 7 pm Monday through Friday. Saturdays can be an option under special circumstances.

You want to be in a quiet place without distractions. For your safety, please, no sessions while driving. I also recommend you keep a notepad with you.

When we change, everything else changes. The expectation is that with a revised point of view, you can begin thinking, feeling, and behaving differently after the first session.

Therapy: 60-minute weekly Zoom sessions are the norm for most clients.

Coaching: These will likely also be 60 minutes long. However, together we can review your needs and agree on the ideal session length for you.

Group Therapy: These will likely be 90-minute sessions.

Therapy: You will be able to keep your credit card on file with Alma.

Coaching & Group Sessions: I accept all major credit cards and charge your card at
each session’s conclusion.

Yes, I take insurance when providing therapy. I accept most insurance carriers. After our consultation, I will send you a link to fill out your insurance information, and Alma will run the insurance coverage and eligibility check.

Coaching: Coaching or Group sessions are not covered by insurance.

To see if we’re a good fit, let’s schedule a free 15-minute consultation.

I have a 24-hour cancellation policy. Clients who cancel less than 24 hours in advance are subject to the appointment’s full fee. If you email within this timeframe, I will consider your appointment canceled.

However, I understand that life happens. Should you have an emergency and be unable
to cancel before 24 hours, I will waive the cancellation fee.

Yes! I strive to do my best to maintain integrity in serving a diverse client base, including continuing education around cultural competence, anti-racism, body neutrality, and other forms of discrimination that clients may face.

Psychotherapy requires a master’s degree and that the clinician be licensed by the state and the work focuses on the presenting problem and healing from the past through psychodynamic work. Therapy is for working with a medical necessity, it will require a diagnosis, and that we treat the diagnosis.

Coaching does not require formal psychotherapeutic education. Coaching is for working with more situational, less severe problems. It is not covered by insurance. It does not require a diagnosis. We can use it to solve non-clinical problems.

I generally recommend new therapy clients meet weekly for at least the first six to twelve sessions, as we set the foundation for success and create momentum. From there, some clients move to every other week. Long-term clients can set various schedules that meet their therapeutic goals while continuing to have regular check-ins about their progress, as well as whether they should continue therapy and with what frequency. I also welcome back previous clients who are ready for another layer of healing.

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